Welcome to Double T Outfitters
Come Hunt with Us
Double T Outfitters offers quality elk, mule deer, antelope, moose, black bear and antelope hunts. We offer archery hunts, bugle hunts in heavy rut with a rifle and migration hunts. We enjoy some of Wyoming's most game rich country, years of experience and the best guides in the area. We're a serious, hard working, alcohol free camp. So long as the hunter is willing, we hunt in any kind of weather. Some mornings start for the guides as early as 2:30 a.m. and will find us in the saddle hours before daylight just to catch a big bull in one of our favorite meadows or a large muley on a high peak drifting back to his bedding grounds. We take the load off our hunters in every way possible so they can focus all their energy on hunting. We believe we can offer you some of the finest guides, horses, food, camp and hunting that the outfitting industry has to offer.

Being a native son of Wyoming, I come from a heritage of love of the outdoors and the great sport of hunting. My grandfather was on outfitter for several years. He passed his skills and wisdom on to my dad, who then passed it on to me. From the time I could sit in a saddle I was riding along and hunting with my family. I've spent countless hours on horseback riding and enjoying the area. I take great pride in having the opportunity to offer my clients the same great hunting experiences I have been blessed with.

Licenses are acquired on a drawing basis. Wyoming recently started using a preference point system. We recommend that you purchase a preference point. Points are available to purchase July 1st thru October 31. Elk, deer and antelope can be applied for as a single hunter or as a party of up to six hunters. If applying as a party, if any one of the party draws a license, all are issued a license. Wyoming has designed a system to help non-residents have incredibly high odds at drawing licenses. Ask us about it when you call. You may purchase preference points and apply for a license online at:
Elk applications have to be in by January 31st, Moose applications must be in by February 28th & Deer and Antelope applications must be in by March 15th.
No person born on or after January 1, 1966 may hunt in Wyoming without a hunter safety certificate. These can be acquired locally through your own state.

General Information
We are served by a few airlines into Jackson, Wyoming and most airlines into Salt Lake City, Utah if you choose to fly.
Car rentals are available at Jackson and Salt Lake City airports. If you fly into Jackson Hole airport on the day prior to your first hunting day, we will pick you up at no charge.
We will accept checks for deposits, and we request that first time hunters pay the balance of fees with cash, certified checks, or money orders. The balance of all fees is due upon arrival. Deposit is REQUIRED at the time you book the hunt. Deposits are non-refundable UNLESS you fail to draw the necessary licenses.
We will accept no responsibility for loss or damage to your personal gear. Double T Outfitters, LLC operates under USDA permit BG-032 in the Bridger Teton National Forest and the Targhee National Forest. We are an equal opportunity service provider.

Our camp sits at the mouth of East Table Creek in the grand canyon of the Snake River. We are 25
miles south of Jackson Hole. Base camp can be accessed by vehicle. From there, we hunt the
remote areas of the Bridger-Teton and Targhee National Forests. While residing with us, you will be
staying in a heated tent cabin with a wood floor, spring mattress bunks along with generator
operated electric lights to add to your comfort. We also have some camp trailers if preferred.
Our restaurant-style kitchen attaches to a large dining tent. This accommodates our full-time cook
who serves delicious all-you-can-eat meals. Our cook is given an un-limited budget.
Some of the foods you will eat include steak, shrimp, prime rib, bbq ribs,
lasagna and many other ranch style meals.

Archery and Rifle Info
Our archery hunts are for moose or elk. We have had tremendous success at bringing these bulls
into the kill zone. We have professionally trained archery guides that really know how to get these
bulls up close and personal. Most of our bulls are taken between 20 and 30 yards. You can expect
to encounter a lot of elk on this hunt. We do offer an
archery elk/rifle deer combination hunt that has become a favorite among hunters.
Note: Cross bows are legal in Wyoming.
​For elk and moose we suggest at least at .270. For the best all-round accuracy we recommend rifles sighted in 3 inches high at 100 yards.

Taxidermy and Processing
If you desire, we will deliver your meat to a processing plant. If you are traveling on a plane or long distance in a vehicle, to insure the safety and preservation of your cape we will take it to a local taxidermist who will flesh, salt and turn the ears. He charges $175 for this service. This amount should be deducted from your local taxidermist when you return home. If you don't have a taxidermist of your own, we can recommend one in our area.

Scenery and Fishing
This is some of the most beautiful country you'll ever lay eyes on. We've heard some of our hunters refer to this as "God's Country".
Bring your pole! After filling your big game tags you may wish to spend the rest
of your trip along the shores of the scenic Snake River. Fishing licenses are included with all elk licenses.

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
William Blake

Contact Us
Give us a call or send an email to get further information and book your hunt! Please no calls on Sunday.
525 Meadow Springs Lane
Thayne, WY 83127